My Top 15 National Geographic Photos

September 18, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

National Geographic has given us some of the greatest experiences both natural and technological through its programs. Most of us know Nat Geo mainly as an educational television series. But, what many of us are not aware of is the fact that the organization actually published its very first article back in 1888. Their soaring creativity has set the bar for advertising photography and other creative agencies. Since then they have so generously provided us great photographs about geography, wildlife and cultures all over the world.

Here are my top 15 National Geographic photos of all time (in no particular order).


National Geographic - Old Wave
“I didn’t see that coming, kid!”

This photograph is a clear depiction of everything classic. Classic hat, classic attire and the classic ‘I better get outta here before that wave hits!’ This is the Belt Parkway Seawall back in 1948 during a surging storm it couldn't quite contain.


National Geographic - Paradise Found
Time will come when this photo is all that will remain of this spectacular species - and many others as well.

A work of art courtesy of two brave and adventurous men who had a dream of being the first human beings  to find and document all species of the legendary birds of paradise. Although it took them 18 expeditions and an astounding 39,000 photographs they finally mastered their vision.


National Geographic - Red Eyed Tree Frogs
I got to say this frog is ridiculously photogenic!

Photographer Lorenz was desperate to capture one of these on a photo excursion to Costa Rica. It was just before dusk when she finally got a bit of luck and caught this guy leaping happily away. It almost seems as if this little red eyed tree frog is going to pluck this umbrella-like fungus and use it as protection against the rain. But then again, he probably just needs to unclog his toilet back home.


National Geographic - Hot Air Balloon
This sort of reminds me of Pixar’s UP.

It isn’t everyday that one gets to ride on a hot air balloon - in the middle of mountain-high ice formations! This photograph captured the eyes of many as it simply looks and even feels amazing. Take  a moment to imagine yourself inside that floating ball of hot gas experiencing wonder in its blatant form.


The Winking Lion
“You’re next, bub!”

Pictures of lions eating zebra’s usually require no explanation. This one isn’t much of an exception to that rule - except for the fact that the lion in this particular picture is winking at you.


National Geographic - Snowy Street Tokyo
Transparent umbrellas were not intentionally used to complement the black-and-white concept - it just did!

Nothing makes you want to gobble down a hot cup of instant noodles than a photograph of Japan’s most populated city being bombarded by snow. Photographer Danilo Dungo said he wanted to capture the expressions of the people passing by him.


National Geographic - Oasis
I just hope there’s no oil underneath.

Camels and sand usually make great backgrounds for photo shoots. But what happens when you add a majestic oasis into the frame? A magnificent photo, that’s what. Oasis are known to be truly rare and yet beautiful patches of paradise scattered all over deserts.


National Geographic - Sacred Cenotes
Trivia: We know more about outer space than we do our own waters.

This is a simple picture of a diver exploring a cenote near the Maya ruins of Tulum. Simple it may be, but the depth and power that it projects certainly sends an impact on its viewer’s mind.


National Geographic - Praying Mantis
You better say your prayers - before you eat!

Camouflage has always been one of the most effective defense mechanisms for birds, insects and animals. For the praying mantis (this in particular) it seems to be more like war paint - that is, of course, if war paint comes in purple.


National Geographic - Inner Space
“Houston have a problem, my wife’s calling…”

This is a photograph of a man just outside the sun preparing to drive off to work. The sun, of course, is only a simulation as you may have guessed. Astronaut wannabes  go through very high tech computer simulated training programs.


National Geographic - High Above
“Sometimes all we need to do is change our perspective”

Everybody enjoys the earth from up above.


National Geographic - Boat Hull
Anybody else think of that guy from hunger games?

At first glance it would seem that this ancient boat has become one with the ground. Look a little closer though and you’ll see that the boat is actually filled with mud - the dry kind.


National Geographic - Camels Crossing the Sahara
"Hey! Get back in line!"

The adorable illusion that the shadows of these camels cast makes the picture great. However, add that to the fact that these camels are crossing the salt flats of Lake Assal Djibouti, one of the lowest places on earth.


National Geographic - Giraffes at Savannah
Can you feel the love?

Like a scene straight out of Lion King, these Giraffes are align themselves perfectly in between a distant tree. Unusual perspectives like these are quite uncommon which is why photographers relish in them.

15. SUGAR LOVE: A Not So Sweet Tale

National Geographic - Sugar Love
"Counting calories now..."

Of course what better way to end this list other than a picture of a doughnut! This isn’t just any ordinary doughnut though, this is the "olykeok" which is a Dutch way of saying fried dough. It is also the modern day doughnut’s 16th century predecessor.


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