How Capturing a Moment is Different from Capturing an Image

September 21, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

The magic of a moment is spellbinding, shrouding the soul of our emotions and personality.  Photographers freeze memories, people and events in time in hundreds and even thousands of photos. But, there is one shot that stands out among the rest that captures the essence of what the photograph is intended for - be it for advertising or wedding photography.

Photography as an art involves the drama of integrating different elements which affects the end result of taking pictures. Some new age photographers classify their own composition with artistic tendencies even when standard photography norms are disregarded.  But, apart from individualistic interpretations and perspective, the spirit of the photo is consummated in being “in the moment.”

underwater group photo
Photo by Dustin Humphrey

Editorials are the best reference in appreciating this type of photography. Fashion editorials root their DNA in capturing the mood and how clothes are worn against the backdrop.  Vogue, the bastion of everything about fashion, showcases a never-ending fashion story. In November 1988, Vogue photographer Peter Lindberghand shot legendary Anna Wintour’s first editorial-cover for Vogue America.

Michaela Bercu street-style...

Israeli model Michaela Bercu was photographed in a street-style fashion. The moment had a casual feel where the model was not looking at the camera with her eyes near to a close.  Her hair was sweeping naturally across her face and note that this was not a headshot, a diversion from the accustomed cover of the magazine.  Michaela was styled with a Christian Lacroix jacket embellished with a beaded cross matched with a pair of Guess jeans.

Natalie Portman
Natalie Portman poses for V Magazine

This spurred a wealth of controversies: the economics of fashion (a mix of high and low), the model’s expression and the overall composition of the photograph (exuding a relax feeling interpreted in a high fashion magazine’s cover). The moment was defined by a wave of new fashion that has been continuously embraced until at present.

spear fishing
Photo by Stephan Ducandas

Other forms of photography capture priceless events that are worth remembering. Nature photography focuses on the natural process of how life unfolds. The blossoming of flowers with morning dew, the soft gliding strokes of a butterflies colorful wings or the intimate bond of a cub from her mother are treasures that narrates how existence in earth is a manifestation of God’s work.

food photography
Sorry Instagram-loving peeps... not it!

Image, on the other hand, is a plain composition of photos which does not intend to convey any special purpose. It’s a simple documentation of an event, place or person as a proof of occurrence.  Taking photos of a birthday party, a place or anything that is considered a subject are examples of images.

Interpreting photographs is subjective in nature. Regardless if the intent is to create art or to plainly document an event, photography has been an indispensable component of our lives.


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