Easy But Brilliant Photoshop Techniques That Will Add Pizazz To Your PhotosAre you tired of the same old photographic effects? There are so many things you can do with Photoshop to manipulate your average photo into an opus. Even with a crappy camera, you can produce brilliant photos if you edit them with the proper techniques. What were going to teach you in this post is a photo enhancement technique, which is often used in wedding photography. Anyway, let’s get right to it! In this post, I will show you how to use adjustment layers and filters in Photoshop...
First, open up an image of your choice to apply the effect in Photoshop. I chose this somewhat blurry photo that I took of Tully on Tully when they played in Manila.
Click on Gradient Map in the adjustments section and choose your colors. I used (#26227c), (#3c4f87), and (#42bb42), however, it’s very important that you be creative and choose your own sets of color.
After setting your gradient map to your liking, change the adjustment layer’s blending option to ‘Soft Light’. This allows the gradient map to interact with the original colors of the photograph to maintain some of its natural appearance, but still give the photo the obscure color imitation of a filtered photograph.
You can also add a Curves Adjustment layer to manipulate the photograph’s contrast. It brings some intensity to the photograph when you move the curve to increase the highlights and the shadows.
If you’re already happy with the adjustments made with the photo, create a new layer and fill the whole layer with black (#000000). Select the Elliptical Marquee tool and create an oval in your black layer. Make sure to draw the selection from corner to corner.
Go to Select > Modify > Feather (or Shift + F6) and then type down 100 for the feather radius option. This technique will fade the selection out as opposed to creating a hard edge. After doing all of the above, press delete and you will produce a vignette effect creeping in from the edges of the images.
Create a new layer and select Image > Apply Image. This flattens all the existing visible layers into one layer. Select the elliptical marquee tool again and draw the selection from corner to corner.
Change the layer’s blending option to Lighten and you will produce something similar to this. This brings out an artistic effect on your photograph.
The outcome can come out differently with different photos that is why it’s vital that your adjustments fit the photograph you are editing. These are merely techniques on how you can apply them to your photo. Just be creative and have fun with it.
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