The Ace for Betty: INP Welcomes Betty Uy as New Junior!

March 17, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Perhaps that's the trouble when you're a jack of all trades--the ace can get kind of difficult to figure out. But thank God this multi-talented girl heard her life's calling just in time.

Photography tops Betty Uy's long list of passions. And you know how we are here in Imagine Nation--when we see passion coupled with a teachable heart, we stop and take notice (often with a promotion letter on the side!)

So with a sweet surprise at last week's Big Group, INP proudly welcomed Betty Uy as our newest Junior Photographer.

If Betty would count how many things she could rock with her roster of talents, she'll probably need your extra hands to keep track. "A jack of all trades, that's what I would say I am," she confesses, "But I was always driven by passion more than anything else. Whatever I do that's outside my heart's desire, I couldn't do well. But when it's about something I love, I'd go the extra mile."

Betty follows her heart in different forms. She's a travel junkie, a blooming artist, a poet, a music-lover (or more like frustrated rockstar), a sports enthusiast, and a fan of all things yummy. But among her many passions, Betty had not quite found her real spot; the one thing she could truly be an ace in.

Little did she know, her ace spot was not something she had to find, but something she has always played with as a kid.

"For some reason I don't know, I always wanted to take photos of people, though I was camera-shy as a kid and hated photos of myself," teases Betty as she recalled how she fell in love with shooting. "I started shooting in film, borrowing other people's cameras. I enjoyed taking those moments that were fun and full of laughter."

"When I was in high school, my mom bought a digital camera that was about 2 megapixels. I was excited and kept shooting random things," she continues, "But at my high school graduation, mom's digicam got stolen and I was without camera for almost four years."

But passion knows no goodbyes. Betty's love for shooting never wore off even when she was in college. "Back at the university, I was surprised that people would lend me their expensive cameras to play with. I enjoyed it so much. I bought my very first DSLR from my savings right after I finished college, and it was a milestone for me."

Betty kept her camera in handy wherever she went. She would shoot when she travels. She would shoot when she's hanging out with friends. She would shoot whenever. Even when she was working in the corporate world, her heart kept beating for photography. As Betty would describe it, all the glamour and fun of the corporate life, "was good for a time, and thankfully God really had a better plan." Betty decided to quit her job and was surprised when--like a move of heaven-- INP's Apprenticeship program opened only a few days after her resignation. "I immediately signed up with no second thoughts," she shares.

Instantly, Betty became known as one of the most hardworking apprentices in INP. She signed up for VA slots and shot along with the photographers every chance she got. And as they say, practice makes permanent. But coupled with passion? Well, that's what turns a pupil into a pro.

Pro-moted to Pro status is what we meant. Betty tearfully received her most-awaited love letter from Sir Jong in front of friends and colleagues. The feeling was beyond the joy of finally seeing all the hardwork pay off. It was more like, "I finally found my 'spot' and it's time to shine on it for Jesus!"

"I'm so blessed, it was like God's goodness showered upon me, even as I was waiting for this promotion. I experienced His faithfulness and sustaining grace," Betty describes.

As INP's new Junior Photographer, Betty's ready to touch your sweet spots with her timeless photos. "I'm excited to capture your romance as it unfolds, to capture the love as you become your sweet selves and stare at each other like you'll never stare at any man or woman in that same way again," says Betty whose shooting style allows love stories to be told at their rawest.






"Whenever I go and shoot, I find myself more blessed by my couples than the other way around." And to bless others with her many trades and aces--well, that's how Betty aces her life's purpose.

Turning your special day into a real ace is as simple as inviting Betty to share it with you. Cherish your moments as Betty captures your touching, timeless scenes. Contact Imagine Nation Photography and find out how you can have Betty on your next event.



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