9 Movies Every Engaged Couple Should Watch

October 22, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Congratulations on your engagement. Are you ready for the next step? What’s that you ask? Marriage, sillies! Nervous? Yeah, that happens a lot. But there are a few activities you can do with your partner to ease out those jitters, ideally before you prenuptial photography session, so that the results of your bonding can be seen in the pictures. What activities? - Nothing beats a movie :)

Feel free to check out these, well, chick flicks for you and your soon-to-be partner in life. We've made you a roster of 9 movies, you can watch their trailers below.

1. Runaway Bride

Bride storms off before their wedding, groom comes after her, but bride rides on a horse. This movie has become a classic. Starring Richard Gere as Ike Graham and Julia Roberts as Maggie Carpenter, this movie shows the importance of knowing and being able to love yourself first before trudging the path of marriage. You can also check out the bridal gowns in the movie that are pretty cute.

2. Meet the Parents

A must-watch movie to keep you in check of what to do and not to when meeting the in-laws. So you can avoid future troubles and complications like in the movie.

3. Only You

The original “Runaway Bride”, Ginger Roberts gets cold feet before – not just one, but four weddings!—until she meets the handsome fireman, Cornell Wilde that is.

4. In and Out

Wedding disasters and planning mishaps in stored. This is a movie set to give you an idea of how to properly plan your wedding and how crucial it is to be in one with yourself prior to fully accepting the lifelong commitment.

5. That Old Feeling

The divorced parents of the bride reunite at the wedding reception and are on track of possibly ruining their daughter’s honeymoon. Fun ensues as everything tries to work out. All about dealing with divorced parents at your wedding.

6. Bride Wars

Here’s a load of pretty dresses and wedding plan ideas galore. It’s a movie about two best friends that feud over getting married at their ideal place. And hey, you can even get ideas on how to thwart a wedding sabotage scheme.

7. My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Brides-to-be can sink their teeth in this movie to take a peek of on how to plan a wedding despite family disagreements. A romantic comedy that features the triumph of love despite odds, it’s cute and lovable, perfect for the family and to-be-wed-couples.

8. The Vow

Here is a romantic movie about newly-weds faced with the biggest problem of their lives. Watch as how love still finds a way to cherish their precious vows even at the borderline of being forgotten.

9. License to Wed

A romantic comedy about a couple trying to get married, but someone is at the task of foiling that goal. Find out how important it is to be a hundred percent sure of yourself, your reasons behind everything, and commitment in making your dream wedding come alive. Let Robbie Williams guide you in building trust and strengthen your relationship through his fool-proof marriage course.


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