Look Here: Sharing the GiftThe one million dollar question you can ask a photographer is “What is your style?” – and I have been asked that quite a number of times already. And more than I could remember, I simply thought of the many well known styles and picked one that suits me most. But sooner than later, I realized that it doesn’t say much. As a photographer, my wish is that my photos will speak for themselves. I wish they would convey enough for the person to know what to expect from me. But let me share the things that I enjoy capturing the most… Life is woven by moments. I am fascinated by how photography has allowed me to catch these little gems in time and allow a person to relive that piece of time over and over again. But what puzzles me is how I am able to be in the right place at the right time. I thank God for every moment that I am able to catch moments like these. I go crazy when I see beautiful light. It is like a drug that affects us photographers. I think it is a gift to notice lights, shadows, shades and hues, and how it plays around in everyday life. It is a gift that is meant to be shared. Photography has been a personal journey, but I don’t want it to be a lonely one. This path has already led me to meet and share the lives of countless people and I wouldn’t want it any other way. I love to take beautiful photos. Let that beautiful photo be yours as well by letting me capture you as you, masks off. I guess my style is not just a fancy word that you find online about photography but more of a threefold purpose. One is to make YOU, my couples happy; second is to make myself happy; and third (and most importantly) is something that is in the heart of every Imagine Nation photographer, which is to make God happy. This is why I usually put this bible verse at the start of each onsite slideshow: “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 Have a great day! Comments
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