5 Simple Ideas to Make Your “Bridal Shower” Awesome for Everyone

September 04, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Mentally, you’re ready. Ever since you started watching all those Disney movies and since you’ve read all those Nicholas Sparks books, you’ve been prepared to deal with the whole romance thing along with the anticipated climax and segue into the better phase of marriage. Emotionally, you’re good to go. Joyful tears are shed. But then reality hits you gently landing on your shoulder like a butterfly demurely flapping its wings.

One step closer. The second hand of the clock ticks and another second and minute pass simultaneously. The piece of jewellery you wear on your right ring finger reminds you of the sweet reality. You’re engaged. That piece of precious stone fixed on your ring refracts and directs light into your eyes – “shining” like a diamond. These months, weeks, and the days therein that lead to the event you’re looking forward to are all like a red carpet leading to the extremely anticipated moment. But what about those small but important events? What about your bridal shower? What can you do to make it as awesome and worthy to be anticipated as much as your wedding for you and those invited?


Make it more of a wedding shower. You know what a bridal shower is. You know what and for whom it’s for. But you don’t have to make it exclusive. Those rules aren’t written on stone. You can make it more fun and exclusive for everyone who are invited to your wedding eventually. So that includes the bride’s family, cousins, your groom-to-be, and even his friends. Well I understand that some of your fiancé’s friends could be like frat-boys, so it’s up to you in the end. But you get the point. It’s supposed to be fun for everyone, so why not literally make it an event that can be for everyone in the family / friends category?

Make it cater to everyone’s interests. If you’re going to follow the previous advice, (which I strongly recommend), you might want to optimize it so that it can cater to the other guests’ interests as well. This includes the theme, the games, the food, and even atmosphere. Remember, that it’s not confined to the strictness of being a grown-up event. However, never forget that this is your event. Nothing’s wrong with labelling it and even making it to really be your thing because it is. But the point of this is to remind you and your guests that all the fun and happiness and excitement and joy is not only limited to you.

Make it relaxed, free, and casual. Like I said earlier, going-ons like these don’t have to be a strict “for-grown-ups-only” kind of event. Because we admit that the child inside each of us haven’t died yet, and we won’t be letting it starve to death anytime soon. Make the atmosphere casual and normal. It doesn’t have to be  firm and strict. But don’t forget that you have to make it orderly nonetheless with the presupposition that most of the people attending will be responsible. Be free. Be spontaneous.

Bridal Shower Ideas

Allow a lot of gift-giving and games. Now we’re talking. This is your event, like I said earlier, so it’s only normal that all the gifts given are yours. Continuing from the previous point, free and casual and generally having a free-flowing mood allows people to put on a more generous mood and attitude. So if you’re going to end up saying “oh, you shouldn’t have” half-heartedly, in way that’s half-meant, why not? Isn’t it nice to get gifts?

If you can, try to make it a surprise bridal shower for your friend. In the event that you, dear reader, are not the bride, (hopefully not yet in your own romance, or maybe if you’re the groom), you can show how much you’re so happy for your friend who’s getting married by following that advice. Although, that’s a completely different topic and article, you get the point. But if now, then you can follow the first 4 ideas to make it cute and awesome for you.

The union of hearts and souls and the expression and the carrying-out of commitment in the guise of vows can start better with something as simple as a bridal or a wedding shower. Because who doesn’t like gifts and all that? Giving gifts is a different story, but you get the point. So why won’t you go on, plan, and enjoy your wedding shower?


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