20 Clever Advertising CampaignsIn advertising photography, your run-of-the-mill picture of your product is not enough to get the message across to your audience. A unique perspective, and outside-the-box thinking is required to turns heads. Here are some of the 20 best advertising billboards ever. #20 - Glassex
The final copy of the ad clearly communicates that the glass is so clean, you can’t see it below the woman supposedly “levitating”. #19 - Marlboro
The Marlboro Man ad campaign, featuring the new 100s, was very much deceptive in altering the perception of manliness. If you didn’t smoke Marlboros, you weren’t a man. To this day, their iconic image of a cowboy is still used ads. Leo Burnett was the ad agency responsible for creating this campaign in 1955. #18 - Volkswagen With the emergence of the Beetle in the 1980s, advertisers put a spin on the phrase “Think Big” to “Think Small” in order to highlight its fuel and money economy. Smart. # 17 - McDonald’s Their “You Deserve A Break Today” copy by Needham, Harper, & Steers in 1971 was simple and spoke directly to the reader. How’s about you get a quarter pounder, hmm. #16 - Old Spice With spokesperson Isaiah Mustafa dressed as a snowy mountaintop, the brand uses humor to get across to the audience. It’s quite obvious, really: If you use Old Spice, you’ll smell as fresh as…uh…a snowy mountaintop. #15 - Lego Using the simple image of two Lego blocks connected together with a silhouette of an airplane in the copy was really clever. It brings us back to the days when playing with Lego was all about using your imagination. #14 - Chilean Corporation Against Cancer Using children uncomfortably suffocated by cigarette smoke as the models produces chilling ads that accurately portray the effects of second-hand smoke to children and well... everybody. #13 - Romanian Anti-Smoking Ad This expreses a striking point: The choice to smoke is suicide. #12 - Alien Vs. Predator It’s interesting to see these two rivals compete in normal activities like chess, drinking brandy and being involved in gruesome bloodbaths. #11 - Durex The message is clear: Using a Durex condom is cheaper in the long run. #10 - BIRM The image and the copy make the ad pretty convincing. #9 - Belt Up
Easy to understand: Wear a seatbelt at all times. #8 - Berger Notice the smart use of the billboard. #7 - BiC Razor Brilliant. Just. Brilliant. #6 - DHL “Get to your destination via the shortest route possible.” Yep, that’s DHL’s brand proposition for you. #5 - Formula Toothcare – Bite Strong teeth. Totally. #4 - Hot Wheels Way to use the loop de loop, one of their recognizable trademarks. #3 - Jobsintown.de Clever. #2 - Martor Razor Blades Witty and smart. #1 - Coke Happiness in a bottle. Perfect.
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