February 08, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

In one afternoon, the upper room at Post Ad building in Sta. Mesa became a full-house of fired up and talented people excited to whip their photography to pro status!

It was the much-awaited opening of Imagine Nation Photography's Batch 8 of apprentices held last February 2. More than a handful of applicants took their cameras on one hand and their hearts on another as they hope to enlist on INP's new apprenticeship program.

Or call it a journey beyond photography.

For the past four years, Imagine Nation has been opening its doors to aspiring photographers with its one-of-a-kind apprenticeship program. Our vision? Beyond just producing great photographers, we're all about transforming lives and helping others find their purpose in Jesus!

Batch after batch, this passage in 2 Corinthians 4:18 is what we invite our apprentices to desire: to "love the Lord with all their hearts, and with all their souls, and with all their minds, and with all their strength." It is a truth we hope to impart to them with our lives--whether holding a camera or not. We've been very blessed to help develop disciples of Christ who hold cameras with a heart to serve others and minister to clients.

And for the eighth time, we're ready to do it again!

What better way to start off our Batch 8 of apprentices than with an exciting 40-day program (to be led by Sir Jong) set to equip apprentices with shooting skills and Biblical wisdom that will prepare them for the industry. After that, they will finally take up their cameras and get to shoot as trainees under Imagine Nation's photographers.

Sounds exciting? Absolutely!

So here's to Batch 8--our fresh crew of faithful, available, and teachable apprentices! Thank you for choosing to come aboard this rockin' journey! Buckle up--it's going to be an awesome discovery of photography with a purpose!


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